When it was announced that Meles Zenawi was invited by President Obama as one of the four representatives of Africa, the foreign based Ethiopian human right and democracy activists reacted with furor. There were also government supporters who were pleased with the invitation, because they claim that it shows United States recognizes Meles's positive influence in Ethiopia as exemplary to other Africans. I would argue that this invitation was an embarrassment to Meles Zenawi on all fronts and he acted like a typical African dictator who jumps in a wagon for any trip to the west.
First and foremost Meles was invited to the conference to represent Africa on hunger talks [1]. Yup the whole world remembers Ethiopia's worst drought in the 1980s and still the country is viewed as a representative of Africa's hunger. And even with the government boasting a consecutive double digit economic growth for the past 8 years, 8.2 million people that account for 10% of the country's population are chronically food insecure [3].
Then at a conference where Meles was talking about food security and Africa, a fellow activist Abebe Gelaw heckled Meles Zenawi [2]. Meles, as he is often does, jumps to the jungle way of thought and tried to power through the situation by speaking loudly as the moderator was calling for security. The activist's claim of Meles being a killer and a dictator was loudly heard all over the hall and Meles was seen with a clear anger and surprise. This is exactly how Meles and his cardes heckle fellow journalists and activists back home so all I have to say is Meles got a taste of his own medicine.
2. YouTube
3. OneWorld
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